Fetch details of all IVR

This API allows you to fetch details of all IVR.

Sample Request

curl --request GET \
     --url https://api.servetel.in/v1/ivrs \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

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Before we begin, note that the * sign denotes the mandatory variables in each table.

Sample Response

  "ivrs": [
      "id": 7926,
      "name": "Welcome IVR",
      "description": "Welcome IVR",
      "recording": "19549",
      "timeout": 30,
      "invalid_retries": 1,
      "invalid_retry_recording": "244",
      "invalid_destination_type": "extension",
      "invalid_destination": "050109590001",
      "timeout_retry_recording": "245",
      "timeout_recording": "245",
      "timeout_dest_type": "extension",
      "timeout_destination": "050109590001",
      "timeout_retries": 1,
      "added_by": 10959,
      "invalid_recording": 244,
      "ivr_menu": [
          "option": "1",
          "destination_type": "ringgroup",
          "destination_id": "17839",
          "sms_template_id": "0",
          "webhook_id": "0"

Response Variables

The response returned is as following:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
ivrsArray of objects containing list of all IVRs.Array
ivrs[n].idUnique ID of the IVRInteger
ivrs[n].nameName for the IVRString
ivrs[n].descriptionDescription for the IVRString
ivrs[n].recordingUnique ID of the welcome recording for the IVR.String
ivrs[n].timeoutTime for which the IVR will ring.Integer
ivrs[n].invalid_retriesThe number of times an invalid DTMF input is allowed.Integer
ivrs[n].invalid_retry_recordingRecording to be played when an invalid DTMF input is pressed.String
ivrs[n].invalid_destination_typeType of destination where call lands If number of invalid retries reaches more than the value set.String
ivrs[n].invalid_destinationUnique ID of destination where call lands If number of invalid retries reaches more than the value set.String
ivrs[n].timeout_retry_recordingUnique ID of the recording to be played when timeout entry is addedString
ivrs[n].timeout_recordingUnique ID of the recording to be played after timeout retry count is more than set valueString
ivrs[n].timeout_dest_typeType of the destination where call is routed If number of timeout retries reaches more than the value setString
ivrs[n].timeout_destinationUnique ID of the destination where call is routed If number of timeout retries reaches more than the value setString
ivrs[n].timeout_retriesThe number of times timeout retry is allowed.Integer
ivrs[n].added_byUnique ID of the user.Integer
ivrs[n].invalid_recordingUnique ID of the recording to be played after invalid retry count is more than set value.Integer
ivr[n].ivr_menu.optionNumber of the DTMF input.Integer
ivr[n].ivr_menu.destination_typeType of the destination where call is routed If the DTMF input is selected.String
ivr[n].ivr_menu.destination_idUnique ID of the destination where call is routed.String
ivr[n].ivr_menu.sms_template_idUnique ID of the sms template corresponding to the DTMF input.String
ivr[n].ivr_menu.webhook_idUnique ID of the webhook corresponding to the DTMF input.String
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!