Fetch Lists of Broadcast

This API allows you to fetch list of broadcasts.

This API helps you access the entire list of existing broadcasts and their corresponding data. From the fetched broadcast list, you get privy to the number of calls made using a particular campaign, the time the call tries to connect to each number in the list, the agents acting for the broadcast, and more.

Sample Request

curl --request GET \
     --url https://api.servetel.in/v2/broadcasts \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

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Before we begin, note that the * sign denotes the mandatory variables in each table.

Request Variables (Query Params)

The following parameter is required to fetch lists of broadcasts:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
limitnumber of records to be fetched. Min: 1 max: 100.String
broadcast_idUnique ID of the Broadcast.String
pagepage number of which broadcasts need to be fetched.String

Sample Response

  "page": 1,
  "size": 8,
  "limit": 10,
  "broadcast_limit": 10,
  "results": [ 
      "id": "3176",
      "name": "trunk",
      "description": "trunk",
      "destination_type": "ivr",
      "destination_id": "7926",
      "list_id": "5748",
      "list_name": "trunk",
      "timeout": 120,
      "concurrent_limit": 5,
      "caller_id": "+911206891701",
      "time_group_id": null,
      "time_group_name": null,
      "start_date_time": 1596022920,
      "end_date_time": 1596220140,
      "retry": 1,
      "retry_after": 5,
      "product_id": null,
      "product_name": null,
      "sms_notification": {
        "type": "Both",
        "missed_call_template_id": "79074",
        "missed_call_template_name": "Template 9",
        "recieved_call_template_id": "79075",
        "recieved_call_template_name": "Template 10",
        "retry": true
      "status": 0,
      "start_count": 0,
      "created_at": 1596022998,
      "dialstatus": [
        "Message Played",
        "DTMF Pressed",
        "No Answer",

Response Variables

The response returned is as following:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
limitnumber of records to be fetched. Min: 1 max: 100.Integer
sizenumber of records fetched.Integer
pagepage number of which broadcasts need to be fetched.Integer
broadcast_limitmax number of broadcast concurrent limits allowed for the account.Integer
Result[].idThe unique ID of the broadcast. For example, 9.String
Result[].nameThe name of the broadcast. For example, Campaign 1.String
Result[].descriptionThe description of the broadcast. For example, Campaign 1 description.String
Result[].destination_typeType of destination where the broadcast is directed to. For example, ivr, hangup, etc.String
Result[].destination_idUnique ID of the destination.String
Result[].list_idThe unique ID of the list associated with the broadcast. For example, 70006.String
Result[].list_nameThe name of the lists in the broadcast. For example, Campaign list.String
Result[].timeoutThe time the call tries to connect to each number in the list. For example, Minimum: 10, Maximum: 60.Integer
Result[].concurrent_limitThe number of channels to be used for broadcast. For example,15.Integer
Result[].caller_idCaller ID that is showed to the called party.String
Result[].time_group_idUnique ID of the time_group associated with the broadcast.String
Result[].time_group_nameName of the time group associated with the broadcast.String
Result[].start_date_timeDate and time in which leads associated with broadcast are called.String
Result[].end_date_timeDate and time till which leads associated with broadcast are called.String
Result[].retrySpecifies Retry count to dial on the dial status other than new.
Result[].retry_afterTime Duration after which the retry will take place.
Result[].product_idProduct ID of the Broadcast product applied on the campaign.
Result[].product_nameProduct Name of the Broadcast product applied on the campaign.
Result[].sms_notification.typeWhether SMS is to be triggered for missed, answered or both.
Result[].sms_notification.missed_call_template_idTemplate ID of the missed call template.
Result[].sms_notification.missed_call_template_nameTemplate Name of the missed call template.
Result[].sms_notification.recieved_call_template_idTemplate ID of the received call template.
Result[].sms_notification.recieved_call_template_nameTemplate Name of the received call template.
Result[].sms_notification.retryIf retry is required for SMS.
Result[].statusThe current status of the broadcast. For example, The possible values are 0: Inactive, 1: Active, 2: Paused.Integer
Result[].start_countNumber of times that broadcast has been started.
Result[].created_atCreated Time Stamp of the broadcast.
Result[].dialstatusDial Status to dial the call on selected in the campaign.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!