Number Wise Reports
This section visually represents the analytical reports and stats of each number assigned to your account. It shows the total number, of answered and missed calls, along with the answer rate and the number of unique callers.
To view number wise report, follow these steps:
- Click on the Reporting tab on the side navigation.
- Click Number Wise Reports.
- Select Number: Press the button and choose the number for which you want to view the report.
- Date button: This button represents the analytical reports for the specific time period chosen. E.g, by selecting This Month from the list and clicking the Search button, the reports populate for that particular month.
- Number Wise Stats: The bottom section of the number-wise reports displays the number-wise stats.
The fields are explained as follows:
Field | Description |
Number | Displays the number for which you want to see the stats. |
Incoming Answered | Displays the number of incoming answered calls. |
Incoming Missed | Displays the number of incoming missed calls. |
Total Calls | Displays the number of total calls for that particular number. |
Answer Rate | Displays the answer rate for that particular number. |
Missed Call % | Displays the percentage of missed calls. |
Average Calls/Day | Shows average calls per day for the specific number. |
Total Call Handling Time | Displays the total call handling time of each number. |
Average Call Handling Time | Displays the average call handling time of each number. |
- Export button: It helps in downloading the entire report in a .csv format.
Updated about 1 year ago