The Servetel portal allows you to create & manage a webhook.
A webhook is a way for an app to provide real-time information to other applications.

To add a webhook, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Services tab on the side navigation and then click Webhook.
  2. A list of all the webhook appears along with the relevant details.
  3. Click on the Add Webhook button on the top-right corner of the page.

  1. Enter the details and click Save.

NameEnter the name of the webhook.
DescriptionEnter the description of the webhook.
URLURL on which response is sent when the selected trigger event occurs.
TriggerSelect the event which should act as a trigger.
RequestSelect the request type: Post or Get.
Call TypeSelect the call type: Inbound or Outbound.
Content TypeSelect the content type.
Time ZoneSelect the time zone for webhook.
My NumbersEnter the destination(s) where the call should land to trigger the event.

Click on Select an Action button to perform edit, delete, and disable operations on a webhook.

Note: A deleted webhook cannot be retrieved whereas a disabled webhook can be enabled again for use.